Other Youth Opportunities

The Acolyte Program provides our young people with an opportunity to participate in our liturgical life. All baptized persons, in the third grade or above, are eligible. Adults also serve in this ministry. Once trained, acolytes assist at Sunday services and at other services throughout the year. Their ministry is to lead the processions and to assist the priests during the service. To find out more, contact Kathy Turner [email protected].

Service Opportunities
In addition to being an acolyte, a young person at Christ Church has many opportunities to participate in the service.  Youth can be greeters and ushers – helping adults greet worshipers, hand out bulletins, help people find seats, and pass the offertory plates. For those youth who are good readers, we invite you to train and serve as a reader or intercessor. Teens who are at least 16 years old and have been confirmed can learn how to be a Chalice Bearer (Eucharistic Minister).