You may pay your pledge or make donations
(gifts, memorials, CEEP, etc.)
by clicking DONATE above (blue header).

Online Pledge Card is here.

We as Christians are stewards of all that God has given us here on earth. Everything we have – time, health, relationships, property, the Gospel, the environment – is given to us by God. He has also given us abilities and talents that are unique. Out of love and gratitude for these gifts, we use our abilities and talents to serve God and His people.

The Stewardship Committee helps to coordinate and plan events that support the on-going ministry and build community at Christ Church. If you wish to participate in this ministry, please contact the church office at 985-892-3177, 9am-2pm Mon-Fri.

You can make donations or pay your pledge online (click here)  or you can set up an automatic bank draft (click here). Alternatively, you may request a commitment card and offering envelopes at any time from the church office, 985-892-3177.