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Please turn in your commitment cards Nov 30

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Giving with Gratitude

On Sunday, November 3rd, Christ Episcopal Church kicks off its 2025 annual Stewardship Campaign, “Giving with Gratitude.”

Watch for a Packet in the Mail

Church members will receive a packet in the mail during the first week of November that will include a Commitment Card for this year’s campaign. Please take a few moments to prayerfully consider your level of support for the upcoming year, and then return your card before November 28th.

Sunday Services in November

Each Sunday in November leading up to Thanksgiving, we will highlight the vision of our Church and why your contributions are so vital. The Stewardship group will also be stationed at the Connect Table following the 10 am service to answer questions and provide information. There will also be giveaways each Sunday after each service for you to take home and enjoy.


The standard for stewardship is the biblical tithe, with a goal of giving 10% of our annual income. The tithe is undergirded by Jesus’ message of abundant living and giving out of gratitude for all we are and all we have.

Save the Date

To celebrate our Giving with Gratitude 2025 Stewardship Campaign, we will have all the sealed commitment cards blessed at the 10 am service on December 8th. After the service, we will celebrate with a churchwide picnic. Please make plans to attend.

Stewardship 2025

Please make a commitment to this year’s Giving with Gratitude campaign. Please mail in your Commitment Card or bring it to church on Sunday. There will also be extra cards in the pews and at the Connection Table following the 10 am service. To make a pledge online (click here) or you can set up an automatic bank draft (click here). Alternatively, you may request a commitment card at any time from the church office, 985-892-3177.


November 30
January 1, 2025