The Christ Episcopal Community Educational Enrichment Program (CEEP) is an outreach ministry to children in our community who are moving into grades 3-6. The program began at Christ Episcopal Church in 1992 and is held at the church each summer. We are offering a three week camp this summer. It is a summer experience which includes breakfast and lunch, integrated academic classes taught by certified teachers, enrichment lessons and activities presented by volunteers from the church and community, lessons in character development, goal-setting, and conflict resolution.
We seek students who…
1. have demonstrated academic aptitude for B’s or higher.
2. may be at risk due to economic factors.
3. do NOT have chronic behavior problems.
4. do NOT have high rate of absenteeism.
5. are responsive to positive, individualized attention.
*These children may have low self-esteem, may be quiet and withdrawn and/or may not be performing at their ability level.
If you have any questions that are not answered by the information on the flyer or the website, please call the church office (985)892-3177 to leave a message and a contact number so the CEEP directors to get back to you.
INFORMATION FLYER (June 13-July 1, 2022, includes costs and registration dates)
We minister compassionately to the children of our community by offering them a summer educational experience that will serve them well when they return to school in August. Volunteers (age 16+) are always needed in the following areas:
– Tutor
– Teacher’s aide
– Cafeteria monitor
– Kitchen crew
– Playground monitor
– Office assistant
– Presenter
– Lifeguard
Persons 18 & older must have current Safeguarding God’s Children training which is available online. It is free and good for 3 years. If you do not know if your training is current or if you need to be trained, you can contact the volunteer coordinator who is listed below.
If you discern a calling to give your time and talents to CEEP or would like more information, please contact:
Volunteer Coordinator: Fred Bruce [email protected]
Program Director: Peggy Castle [email protected]